Central Registration
Pre-K registration is open from March 1st to March 31st.
Kindergarten registration will begin in April
Please complete the online form to get started with your childs registration. Please follow the instructions listed below. If you do not have access to the internet or are not able to complete the electronic form, please contact Michele Groff at 315-779-2312 or email mgroff@gblions.org
Please Note: Children attending the General Brown School District must reside within the district. At time of enrollment you will be asked for proof of residency.
Step1: Gather your required documents
Proof of Residency
Proof of Age
Custody - Evidence of custody of the child including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers. (Custody papers if applicable)
These will be uploaded to the electronic registration form.
Step 2: Gather Required Forms
Print these required forms and bring them with you to your New Student Registration Appointment.
- Free and Reduced Lunch Application
- Office of Student Services Form
- Health History Form
- Student Record Request
Step 3: Collection of Student Information
Please complete the online registration form by clicking on the link below. The form will open in a new window. Once you have completed the form please contact Michele Groff at 315-779-2312 or mgroff@gblions.org to schedule an appointment to finish your new student registration.