Health Office

Building Name E-mail Phone
Brownville-Glen Park Debbie Higgins 315-779-2300
Jr. Sr. High School Lori Ann Guerriero 315-779-2300
Dexter Elementary Hannah Kovalik 315-779-2300


Physicals and Screenings are required for new students and at mandated grade levels by NYS. A chart highlighting the requirements by grade level can be found here.
The screenings performed are for Vision, Hearing, and Scoliosis. These screenings are normally performed during the student’s physical, but sometimes are left incomplete. Throughout the school year the school nurses will perform these screenings as needed. If any abnormalities are detected, parents/guardians will be notified with a referral letter and request for a follow up by the student’s healthcare provider.

2023-2024 School Year Sports Physicals

Sports Physicals are completed at different times during the school year and may also be completed by our child's primary care physicians.  Questions please contact the Athletic Office or High School Nurse.  

All Students in grades 7-12 must have proof of the meningococcal vacine ACWY, commonly known as Menactra or Menveo. More information available here.

Physical Education Excuses

A written Dr.’s order is needed for a student to be released from physical education class/exercise if a child’s illness/injury warrants it for more than a day. If the Dr.’s order states that a student is released from gym/sports until further notice, then a second Dr.’s written order must be attained stating that the student may return to all gym/sport activities.

A Parent/Guardian may write a note to school (to the teacher or school nurse) asking that the child not participate in these activities for a day. This would be permissible due to a minor injury/illness.

The school nurse may write an excuse to release a child from participating in exercise activities for one day.

Elementary Families

It is advisable that an extra set of clothes be kept in a student’s locker or backpack. Students may have accidents, spill drinks, or drop food on themselves and it would be easier for the student to change into their own clothes. We have some extra clothes in the Health Office but sizes 5 to 7 are in short supply.

Health News

Please contact the Health Office with any new health concerns regarding your child. For example: Recent changes in your child’s medication, any hospitalizations, recent surgery/procedures, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.  

See the contact information above.

NYS requires all students in grades PreK, Kindergarten, first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh, and new students to have physicals.

What Happens if my Child Becomes Ill?

The school nurse will make every attempt to make contact with a parent/guardian should a student become ill while in school and need to go home. If a parent/guardian cannot be contacted, the nurse will then attempt to contact a person on the student’s emergency contact list. The nurse will sign the student out with an “early dismissal” and the student will be required to sign out with the main office. A student who is ill should report to the health office for the proper procedure to be followed. The Health Office will not accept early dismissal arrangements made from a student’s own personal cell phone. Student use of a personal cell phone is prohibited during the school day.

Recently, schools all over New York State have been introduced to new regulations regarding procedures for taking medications off school grounds or after school hours, while participating in a school-sponsored activity. In order to clarify our responsibilities in this matter, we would like to share our understanding of the legislation as it affects students in the General Brown Elementary Schools.

Procedure for student medications during school hours include:

  1. Written Directions from a physician for administration of a medication must be on file in the Health Office and must be renewed each school year. 
  2. Parents must provide a written request asking the nurse to administer medications to their children.
  3. Medications should be in the original container with only the amount of doses needed to be dispensed in school.
  4. The parent or parent-designated adult must deliver the medication to the school nurse and pick up any unused medication.
  5. The nurse will contact the parent to take any remaining medications home at the end of the school year or when a student is no longer taking the medication. If the medication is not picked up by the parent at the determined time, the medication will be disposed of by the school nurse.
  6. If a student is required to carry an inhaler on his person, a physician’s statement stating such and a parent note requesting this will be required.

Need a School Physical?

New York State requires students entering grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, and new students to the district to have a current health physical on file. 

Sports physicals are required for any student in grades seven through twelve who plan to play any school sponsored extracurricular sport. Approved forms must be used for these exams. All area pediatricians use the state approved forms. Other physicians may ask for the student to bring a form. The General Brown Athletic Physical form may be obtained from the school website or from the school nurse.